June 30

Most Popular Low Carb Recipe Roundup, June 22 – 28, 2015


Every week, I like to track the most popular recipes on the Low Carb Zen Facebook page – these are the ones millions of low carbers the world over have liked, shared, pinned, and yes, even cooked up in their own homes. Sort of like the thread that ties us all together: awesome low carb food! These are the top picks from last week, in order of popularity with our members. (Click an image to see a bigger version.)

Lime Coconut Cheesecake – This is sweetened with Stevia Extract and Xylitol, but you can generally substitute sweeteners. | Pin it.

Breakfast Balls – You probably already have everything this recipe calls for in your kitchen. Don’t you love when that happens? | Pin it.

Parmesan Garlic Roasted Mushrooms – Another super-simple option with ordinary ingredients. Yay! | Pin it.

Chicken Fajita Stuffed Peppers –  In addition to the stuff peppers, Karen shares a recipe for fajita seasoning to use making the stuffed peppers. | Pin it.

Cheeseburger Muffins – These are made in a regular cupcake pan, but shaped in little silicone cupcake liners. Low carb baking can stick something firece, so that’s a clever solution. | Pin it.

Bacon Wrapped Cheese and Mushroom Stuff Chicken Breasts – Another ordinary-ingredients option. You just need a deep pan or ovenproof baker to keep from making a mess if it leaks out a smidge. | Pin it.

Cauliflower Pepperoni Pizza Casserole – Yes, I love to work that cauliflower, man! | Pin it.

Beef Stroganoff Meatballs – I think these would be delicious on top of some caulimash or zoodles. Making me hungry just thinking about it! | Pin it.

Not Potato Salad – When I’ve made similar dishes, I notice getting the cauliflower cooked to just the right texture is key. | Pin it.

Garlic Shrimp – I’ve never made anything with duck fat or smoked paprika. Hmmmm… | Pin it.

Have you tried any of these recipes? How did yours come out?

About the author...

Zen Goddess

Just a regular gal who found she feels better eating low carb.


Bacon, Beef, Cauliflower, Cheeseburger, Cheesecake, Chicken, Coconut, Hamburger, Lime, Muffins, Mushrooms, Parmesan, Peppers, Sausage, Shrimp

  • I hate being mislead, I clicked the pic from pinterest to get the mushroom recipe and yet here I am not at the proper page for the recipe.

    • Caroline – I never intentionally mislead anybody. I am not able to find the pin you’re referring to. I do have pins going to this page, but they have the composite picture and “roundup” in the title. I have a specific pin for the mushroom recipe, but the only one I can find goes to the mushroom recipe. If you can point me to a pin I’ve got wrong, I’ll be glad to correct it. The mushroom recipe from this roundup is located here, by the way: https://www.mykitchenescapades.com/parmesan-garlic-roasted-mushrooms/

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