I sometimes describe myself as “the world’s unlikeliest food blogger.” I’m really a food blogger mostly by accident. I have run some low carb sites with the intention of being helpful to people who are learning about low carb, and it’s unexpectedly grown from there. I’ve ended up sharing some of my recipes in the process.
What that means is that I don’t really fit in so well, into the food blogger universe…
- My table does not look like a magazine spread, filled with tasteful, upcycled touches like DIY, seasonally-themed centerpieces.
- I haven’t been in love with cooking since IÂ popped out of the womb.
- I have no criminally adorable toddlers to photograph in cute aprons, licking batter off of beaters.
- I’m a lazy cook–I’ll opt for easy over fancy-smancy every time!
- Much of my “food photography” could legitimately be featured on Pinterest fails.
These stuffed strawberries are a perfect example. I was looking to make a pretty snack. In my head before I started, I figured they’d look like flowers.
No. Just no.
Well, at least they don’t look like any flowers from this planet.
But they taste darned good. And that’s what matters, right?
- 16 ounces Strawberries (fresh)
- 8 ounces cream cheese (softened)
- 1/3 cup Erythritol (or your favorite Low Carb Sweetener, to taste)
- 1 dash liquid sweetener (to taste, and to offset Erythritol's "cooling" taste)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla (Or vanilla paste)
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
- Wash strawberries and shake excess water off.
- Cut the leave ends off of the straweberries for a flat bottom, so they will stand upright.
- Cut the tips off of the strawberries, to add to the whip mixture.
- Make criss-cross cuts to the tip end of the strawberries, not quite to the bottom. This will allow you to gently spread open the strawberries for stuffing.
- For the filling, in your food processor, combine the cream cheese, sweetener, vanillia, and heavy cream with the strawberry tips and process until creamy and whipped up.
- Put the filling into a pastry bag (or baggie with the end cut off if you're a ghetto cook like me) and pipe the stuffing into the strawberries.
- Chill. In all senses of the word. Ha!
Recipe Notes
Are you a fancy cook? Or would you be a “Pinterest Fail” contender like me?