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Affiliates for Weight Loss Zen

The book Weight Loss Zen is geared toward Paleo and low carbers in terms of general advice, but don’t let the title fool you. The principles discussed are widely applicable to anyone in the process of losing weight. The book doesn’t cover what to eat at all; rather, it focuses on how to THINK to stay on track and feel good about yourself while doing it. Therefore, it would make an excellent complement to just about any diet-oriented cookbook or diet plan books.

I’d love to get this book in the hands of as many people as possible. Ithttps://www.lowcarbzen.com/buy-weight-loss-zen/ cannot help folks who don’t have it. And for that, I need help!

Affiliates earn 60% commission on the sales price of an instantly downloadable PDF ebook through Ejunkie. I pay commissions monthly, by the 15th for sales in the prior month.

Personal purchases are not eligible for affiliate commissions. However, if you’re an influencer with a good-fit audience, please contact me for a review copy or to discuss any special promotional plans. I’d love to chat.

Sign up for the Affiliate Program here.

I look forward to working with you!

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