September 9

Carbquik Review: Love it? And does it love you back?


People frequently ask me about Carbquik Low Carb Baking Mix: it is really low carb, is it a good idea, and how does it taste?

So here is my personal Carbquik Review: while some people adore the stuff and no doubt go on to name their dogs “Carbquik?” I have some reservations.

When I first started low carb, I bought lots and lots of specialty foods, including Carbquik, by the pound. I had a distinct tendency to overeat what I made with Carbquik–totally on me!–but I didn’t always feel so good after eating a lot of it.

Carbquik has wheat and soy-based ingredients, so if you are gluten-free or don’t do soy, it would be a no-go. That’s not to say you should avoid wheat or soy. That’s up to you and your objectives. But maybe that’s where my reaction from eating too much came from. Once you stop eating much wheat or soy, your body is liable to notice when you load up on it. At least, that’s my theory.

Carbquik Review: Low Carb Baking Mix, Back

I am in no way a science geek, but I always get a little itchy about the advertised processes I don’t really understand, like “enzyme-modified wheat” that are supposed to spare us the carbs. Some of this is just from experience, though–lawsuits have ensued over these types of claims with other products. Whereas when you make something yourself with natural ingredients, you know exactly what’s in it. And most of the time, it’s going to yield better results in terms of weight loss and overall healthiness, too.

For me personally, Carbquik and its ilk were transitional foods as I adjusted to my new way of eating. They mimic traditional products pretty well, so folks feel less like they are missing out. I found Carbquik tasted fairly close to the real thing, although some baked goods made with it tasted slightly “off” to me. But just a smidge and easy enough to overlook if you’re jonesin’ for some cake, you know?

What people don’t always remember is that these sorts of products are NOT tolerated the same by every person who eats them.  For some, it works out fine! For others, it can create a stall. It doesn’t matter how many glowing Carbquik reviews you read if your body doesn’t dig it, you know? You must pay attention to how your body likes what you’re eating to decide if you want to continue eating it.

Like everything else about your eating plan, it’s a personal choice. Some people love the stuff and report no problems with it. Others won’t touch it. I would suggest if you do use it, do so in moderation as an occasional convenience and not as the pillar of your daily dinner. It’s more likely to work out for you that way.

Any specialty product you eat –okay, really anything at all you eat, pay attention to how it agrees with you personally and make adjustments if need be. That’s how this works best, you know? Respect your body and it will respect you!

Note: If you are going to buy Carbquik, prices on Amazon vary so shop around. It’s also sometimes cheaper on Netrition. Those are the only places I’ve found it, although of course, other places may carry it.

What’s your Carbquik Review?

I am not in the business of telling other folks what to eat (or not it). Sometimes, people just want the ease of a low carb baking mix, and I certainly don’t begrude anybody that. Because I’m asked about it so often, I thought I’d share my Carbquik review with you, but I’m even more interested in how YOU would review it.

What’s you vote on Carbquik and why?

About the author...

Zen Goddess

Just a regular gal who found she feels better eating low carb.


Baking Mix, Carbquik, Frankenfoods

  • i found it to have an unpleasant taste. I tried to dilute it with almond flour but that taste still came through…sour-like…from the soy flour I think.

  • I could have a miniscule amount, but didn’t like the soy. I could maybe have 2 pancakes, if I had a third, it would spike me. Tried making a pizza crust and it was awful. For pancakes or biscuits, it’s adequate, especially for those transitioning to low carb.

  • I absolutely ADORE this stuff!!!
    I have made three batches of cinnamon rolls, which came out greatly successful and delicious. I have also attempted chicken fried steak with Carbquik, the breading seemed to have a hard time sticking, but that could of been due to the dredge I made. But it was very delicious!!

    I found it has the texture of biscuits more than anything, I also didn’t think there was too much of an after taste. There is slightly, but it’s not off-putting or anything.

    • I’d be interested in your cinnamon roll recipe- I have a son with type 1 diabetes and carb quick is really nice for a treat.

      • I made fantastically wonderful cinnamon rolls and both of my kids loved them. They were a sheer delight. I won’t do it often but they were SO good.

        3.5 c carbquik
        1 cup water
        6 T softened butter
        1/2 C brown swerve
        1T cinnamon

        Add the water to the carbquick and mix but don’t over mix. Knead dough on a flat surface sprinkled with carbquik. Roll out into a thin rectangle. Spread the butter out all over the dough, add brown swerve all over, add cinnamon all over. Cut lengthwise into 9 pieces and roll them up. Bake for 15 minutes @ 375 in an 8×8 buttered pan.

        Make whatever frosting you like. I don’t like cream cheese frosting so I make an icing with butter, HWC, and swerve and I drizzle.

  • i don’t like it at all but then i didn’t experiment with flavoring. i tried their recipe on the back of the box for biscuits and they were not good. they rose ok but they were slightly bitter

  • I purchased a box from Amazon. I baked some yeast rolls. They were terrible. I followed the recipe exactly as it was written. I didn’t like the smell while itbcc was cooking or the taste. Yuck. Just don’t eat breads and baked goods. No since in buying something that will be set aside for waste.

    • I’m not sure what you’re asking, Glen. I’m aware some of my folks avoid soy. I don’t personally worry over it, although I don’t eat a bunch. But mentioned it because of that. Hope that helps clarify.

  • I tried it when it first came out. I made some biscuits which were fairly authentic, but it jacked up my blood sugar, so I threw it out. Just like “PipeDream” pasta which came out around the same time. I’ve never had much luck with this sort of product.

    • I have type 2 diabetes and bought this so I wouldn’t feel so deprived. I eat a lot of keto recipes. This spiked my blood sugar from 123 to 283. I ate 2 small pancakes. I almost died of fright. $$$$ in the trash.

  • I do not like cloud bread nor fathead breads. This carbquik was a good low carb substitute for bread. I ate a hamburger on one tonight! It was so good!

  • After two days of eating carbquick mini pancakes (2) with my sausage for breakfast, I dropped to “light Ketosis” and feel bloated. The only other new addition were some roasted soybeans in place of my usual pumpkin seed snack. This led me to find reviews on Carbquick to see what was up. This product is not for me. I’m reminded of that horrible fat free oil they marketed in the early 90’s. Some things are just meant to be left alone. Ick!

  • Well I use carbquick for recipes like impossible cheeseburger pie which usually uses bisquick. It works well for that recipe and for low carb biscuits like the red lobster type. I think where there is a lot of other flavours involved the slight sour taste is pretty well masked. I don’t use it a lot as I feel it may slow down the weight loss which is not good. Maybe when I reach my goal a few more carbs can be incorporated into my baking?

    • Perhaps.Or maybe by that time, you’ll find another approach/ingredients/whatever that suits you better. But you are certainly wise to be aware of its potential impact on weight loss. Not this one specifically, but often the specialty products can be a bit of an issue and it varies from person to person what will stall them and what won’t. But if you start getting pauses, that’s the first place to look!

  • I have baked and like the biscuits twice and liked them both times. I made the pancakes once and they we doughy inside. I really left them in the pan a long enough time. Any suggestions? I want to do the sausage gravy next time. Any suggestions?

      I started with the waffle recipe, then modified it to get a decent pancake batter texture:
      Final recipe was:
      2 eggs (well beaten)
      1/4 cup whipping cream
      1/4 cup milk ( If you don’t want even a few carbs from the milk, you could go for water here)
      1 and 1/4 cups CarbQuick
      2 packages Splenda
      After mixing the above together, I mixed in:
      1/2 cup water with 1 tsp vanilla mixed in. (Add more water if needed for batter thickness.)
      There were weird lumps in it, so I beat it for 3 or 4 minutes with my mixer, which reduced those a bit.
      Then cooked it on a griddle, like usual pancakes, and they turned out pretty well. (A little more cake-like than usual pancakes.} With a light sweet topping they were quite good. This has a higher proportion of eggs to CarbQuick, and much less fat than the pancake recipe on the box.
      Good luck!

    • I get great fluffy (!) pancakes w/carbquick using this recipe: 2c Carbquik; 2 eggs; 1 stick melted butter; 1 cup milk; add a splash of vanilla & a Tbsp of your preferred no sugar sweetener (to combat the salty). The key is put a cover on your pan to get even cooking before flipping. Lisa

  • We bought this on Amazon – a bit pricey but for a “treat” it is ok. I made the pound cake and added cinnamon, almond extract and some unsweetened chocolate. It was amazing. So dense and rich. Filled me up with one piece as it is high in protein and I did NOT feel bloatey at all like normal flour. I have been doing Keto for 2.5 months, down 22 lbs. This product is a treat for me but not for a daily use. I will be trying the garlic buns. I think the key is using lots to flavour it and it is great.

  • I’ve been doing a “lazy keto” (<50g-carb/day) for the past 5 months, and my girlfriend showed up with this stuff tonight. Im reluctant to use it due to it being heavily processed will all sorts of stuff, but I suspect at at least give the biscuits a shot.

  • Made the Bisquik Impossible Cobbler recipe using frozen blackberries and raspberries, defrosted, about 1 cup fruit instead of 3 cups. Added lemon zest to batter. Almond milk and stevia for batter. A little while cream on top after it cooled. Absolutely yum.

  • I really wanted a crusty yeasted bread. I’ve been messing with Carbalose for a while and, through trial and error, finally developed a recipe I really like. It tastes like a whole grain seeded bread. (Like others, I find that Carbalose undisguised has an odd, off-putting flavor.) Additions included wheat bran, hemp hearts, chia, nutritional yeast, ground flaxseed, plus I dissolve the yeast in a little bit of barley malt. I’m really happy with the result, but it took a lot of experimentation to find something I like. Most recipes online or on the packaging just don’t hide the strange flavor. But the flour behaves a lot like “regular” wheat flour in its texture, rise and crust.

    • I was asked for the recipe, which I’m happy to share.


      1 1/2 c warm water
      1-2 tsp barley malt syrup
      4 1/2 tsp yeast
      In a KitchenAid bowl, dissolve barley malt in water. Add yeast. Wait a few minutes to proof the yeast.

      1/2 c wheat bran
      1/4 c ground flaxseed (any type)
      1/4 c hemp hearts
      1/4 c chia seeds
      2 tbsp nutritional yeast
      1 1/2 tsp salt
      3 c Carbalose flour

      Add 1 c mixed dry ingredients to wet and mix well.

      1/4 c extra virgin olive oil

      Add half the remaining dry mixture and mix well. Add the rest, mix, then put the bowl on the mixer stand, attach the dough hook, and knead on speed 2 or so for 10 minutes. Test the dough for transparency: squeeze a bit of the dough and slowly stretch. If it will stretch almost see-through thin, it’s ready.

      Take out the dough, spray or oil the mixing bowl, put the dough back in, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and allow to rise in a warm place (I use a sunny window sill). It rises fast—don’t let it over-proof.

      Spray/oil a regular bread pan. Shape the dough into a loaf and put into the pan. Cover with the plastic wrap and let rise again until it reaches loaf size, an inch or so above the top of the pan (there is very little oven rise).

      Bake at 325 for 45 minutes or until internal temperature is 200 degrees (I check with an instant read thermometer).

      Allow to fully cool in the pan.

      • Thanks! I had a minor issue with the site yesterday which ate John’s comment requesting the recipe. I did still have his email address, though. So I let him know you shared your recipe as requested.

  • Carbquik is ok but much too thick. I always have to add extra water to make it work. Make the chicken potpie last night – it was very good, but using the recipe, the topping never would have poured. Same with the pancakes I am making tonight.

  • So far I am O.K. with it for some specialty things like strawberry shortcake for a splurge. I do notice an “off-taste” sometimes. Depends on what I make. I use the Carbalose flour for bread and pizza crust (in my machine) and that has been o.k.. We are new to the Low/No carb and are going through the adjustment period

  • We just used this today for the first time for a low carb biscuits and gravy recipe in the air-fryer. My husband is diabetic and we recently started working on carb reduction. We thought it tasted good and the best part-neither my husband, son, or myself had that tired, bloated carb feeling that’s typical after eating traditional biscuits and gravy.

  • A few key words in your write up, “When you load up….” I think that is the problem. When you load up on anything, it is bound to turn around a bite you. My guess is that Carbquick (if you like it) should be used sparingly. Just my opinion.

    • I’m not sure what you’re seeing on the box. Maybe the “no sugar alcohols” statement? I went to the manufacturers website to double check this. The mix is primarily wheat based evidently and contains soy fiber (according to their ingredients list) but not soy protein, as they state specifically. Which, I don’t know how big a deal or not that is to people in general. I don’t specifically avoid soy – I dislike the taste of soy flour so I won’t touch that. But I use black soybeans in place of regular beans because of the carb difference. To me, soy is sort of a “in moderation” kind of thing, just like wheat products. I don’t have to be GF so I’m not completely, but I don’t eat much wheat either because, carbs and stuff! Thanks for your comment, Sharron. I hope that helps clarify.

  • I have used Carbquik for about 7 years, I found it at Netrition. I think its fine if used in moderation. There are some impossible pies that I like …the Bisquik called for in the pies is 1/3-1/2 cup. Substituting Carbquik is good here, its not much and the taste is no different than Bisquik..the calorie and carb savings are a godsend. The Carbquik lb cake on their website is good too.

  • Realizing I’m very late to this conversation… But I just made some super tasty cheesy biscuits. But wanted to know if other users are finding the carbquik to come out of the box incredibly lumpy? I sifted it, and it almost seems like shards of dried fat. Not sure what would happen if I leave it in there and use the product straight from the box. Please advise!

    • That would be normal as I recall. It’s been a long time since I’ve had it, but much like Bisquick, it’s going to have something like baking powder to add rise and fat added to it from the flour to make it into the “mix” version. Hope that helps! ~Dix

  • I just purchased a bag of Carbalose. What do I add to it to make it the equivalent of Carbquick? I’m diabetic and new to low carb baking. Any information appreciated.

    • Basically it’s like flour vs. bisquick, so it will have baking flour and fat added for the “mix” version over the plain but I don’t know the ratios off the top of my head. I’d probably look for a homemade bisquick recipe and take those additions to the carbolose if I was trying to DIY it. Hope that helps!

  • I’m new to Keto and recently discovered this. I’ve had mixed results with recipes like pot pie, but it made excellent shortcake biscuits with berries and whipped cream. My favorite thing is the pancakes though. I find them delicious! I add some vanilla and cinnamon and lots of chopped pecans, then Smuckers sugar free syrup. Yum!

  • They now sell this at Walmart. We had breakfast for dinner last night and made pancakes with it. I went to bed with the telltale rock in my stomach I get from eating wheat, so that tells me that all the fiber they add to counteract carbs didn’t help if you’re looking for a gluten sensitive substitute! Sticking with Birch Benders Keto for my pancakes from now on.

  • I tried making pizza crust from Carbquik because we are on the keto diet. We have read how wonderful it is. The taste wasn’t bad, but the pizza crust fell apart before we could even cut it into slices. It was more like a pile of pizza. I’m very disappointed because my favorite food is pizza and I won’t be making this again if all we get is a big mess. Are there any tricks to making this work that we can try?

    • This isn’t a Carbquik trick but you might want to look for “Fathead” pizza crust. It’s made with cheese and you can produce pick-it-up-and-eat-it pizza with it. Perhaps someone else will have a Carbquik trick!

  • Carbquik is a Godsend for me!! I was diagnosed pre-diabetic in 2010 and I control it with diet and exercise, not medicine. And I’m southern. I like bread. I haven’t had more than a bite of a biscuit on rare occasions in 10 years. Not more than a single pancake on a couple occasions in 10 years. And when I had either of those things (or other high carb baked goods) it always affected what else I ate for that meal or even later in the day. But Carbquik has completely changed my life. I just discovered it before Thanksgiving this year and my husband, who is not pre-diabetic and eats whatever he wants, thought it was delicious! Light as a feather cheddar drop biscuits, sausage balls, and even the Carbquik and water drop biscuits on the box. He smothered it in sausage gravy and insisted, “more of THAT please!” I feel bad for those who don’t like it. But for those of us who must eat low carb, not for Keto or by choice, but because we have to, it’s a game changer! Looking forward to Christmas in a way I haven’t in a decade!!!!

  • I’ve used it twice and although it did not kick me out of ketosis, i ended up with a headache each time. Decided not to use again.

    • I am experiencing the exact same thing. I found your comment because I just did a google search for carbalose + headache.

  • I use it once or twice a month. A biscuit for sausage and heavy cream gravy, two small blueberry pancakes with eggs, a few deep fried, breaded mushrooms for a snack, a miniature pot pie with only a top crust.

    Just one or two of those a month as a treat meal that won’t totally break my macros.

  • I really like the carbquik. I use it to make pancakes, biscuits and any other recipe calling for Bisquik. I usually use only a couple times a month so no issues with stalling. Buy it at Walmart.

  • I AM A FAN for (as you say) for occasional treats! I make yeast raised cinnamon rolls to share when we know the “regular” ones will be served to give guests options.
    They are fantastic! Single servings of little cobbler are also a treat!
    Totally agree when I eat too much of a good thing… it makes me bloated, and sets me up to have to deal with cravings.
    I also don’t order from Amazon because the price is too high!

  • I watched a video on using Carb Quick to make a roux for gumbo. The chef made the typical roux using Carb Quick rather than regular flour and oil. I decided to try browning the Carb Quick without the oil in the microwave to a rich brown color ..minutes at a time. I then used it in my instant pot for a gumbo recipe and it turned out to be absolutely delicious!

  • I have only made drop biscuits, cheddar garlic biscuits, and pancakes with it. I love it, and so does my family. They can’t tell the difference. Now I haven’t tried a cake yet, but I might. I judt k ow that when I make the cheddar biscuits there are none left. I do add much more garlic and a little more cheese than the recipe calls for. Also, I brush some butter and garlic over them when they come out of the oven!

  • I’ve found that you have to experiment with it. It will behave pretty much like wheat flour, meaning it will rise with yeast, etc. But by itself we find it to be bland. If you add garlic and onion powder to the biscuits or a little vanilla and sweetener to the pancakes, you’ll get a more desirable taste. We have not noticed any gastrointestinal issues with carbquik to date. I think as an occasional indulgence, it’s fine. But of course the cost alone is prohibitive enough to limit how much you use it. BTW, those little solid bits of what some people are referring to as lumps, are actually chips of solidified palm oil that will melt during cooking.

  • How do you keep the biscuits from crumbling in your hand when you “try” to pick them up?
    I’ve made three batches and not a solid biscuit among them.
    Advice appreciated.

  • I agree with you I think? Carbquik being “legal” while on Keto has made me tend to overeat and it has knocked me off. Moderation is the advice I try to follow which isn’t always as easy as it sounds.

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